独家|昕容对话硅谷风投教父Tim Draper:数字货币和区块链将以万亿美元量级重塑世界,坚信2022年比特币达25万美元---陆家嘴金融网

独家|昕容对话硅谷风投教父Tim Draper:数字货币和区块链将以万亿美元量级重塑世界,坚信2022年比特币达25万美元

      2019-04-30 10:57:49

独家|昕容对话硅谷风投教父Tim Draper:数字货币和区块链将以万亿美元量级重塑世界,坚信2022年比特币达25万美元

容言创新传媒创始人谷昕容、Tim Draper、Draper Dragon合伙人Bobby Chao (从左至右)

今天的对话嘉宾是全球风投传奇人物Tim Draper,他身上有一长串的标签让人目不暇接:亿万富翁、“硅谷风投教父”、硅谷风投世家、德丰杰基金创始人、“冒险大师”、“病毒营销”创造者、自由主义者、“拆分加州”的倡导者……



Tim Draper如今依然活跃在硅谷投资圈,也把更多时间用于培训创业者。我们时常会听到他关于加密货币发表言论,近期他又表示说,计划与Facebook会面,讨论投资这家社交网络公司的加密货币项目。“我很想听听这个项目,看看它是否适合投资。”

上个月,Tim Draper在他位于加州Saint Mateo的硅谷英雄学院接待了我的访问,1米9的高大身材,谈笑风生,完全看不出已年过花甲。


Grace: How do you look at the venture capital investment in the next five years?


Tim Draper: I feel like we have a long term global boom in venture capital and in entrepreneurship and in technology generally. I think we have a global boom going on. I suspect that boom will continue until people start doing crazy things. So overall I think we're over the long term. We're gonna all be better off.


Tim Draper: The  internet has really extraordinary transformed many countries including China.


Tim Draper: It transformed industries like communications and information, and gaming and entertainment. The internet has a big effect on all of those industries. Now we have bitcoin and all the associated technologies with bitcoin, the block chain, the smart contracts, and then all of the artificial intelligence that's tied to all the big data and deep learning that's happening. You put all that together. This will be a bigger wave than the internet wave. This will be bigger and more transformative than anyway we've ever had in the history of the world.


Grace: How big that will be?


Tim Draper: The internet affected were sort of ten to a hundred billion dollars in market size. The industries that are affected by bitcoin in the associated technologies are in the trillions, trillions of dollars. They are finance and banking and commerce and real-estate, insurance and healthcar. And government were also affected. They're gonna be improved quite a bit because of these decentralized currencies.


Grace: How far that will be?


Tim Draper: Yeah, well, it'll be one thing at a time. Finance is already being transformed.


Tim Draper: Banking is already changing, companies like coinbase serving finance have in effect created a new banking system in a more efficient, less friction banking system that's global.

银行业正在发生变革,像Coinbase 这样的金融服务公司实际上正在创造一个全新的更加高效、更少摩擦的全球性银行系统。

Tim Draper: For these crypto currencies, that is the beginning, of the decentralization of the whole world, where we all the geographic borders fall even farther, and we all become one big world. And I think that world is coming very soon, I think very soon, in the countries that benefit the most will be the most open to the new decentralized world. Other countries that closed down, I think will be left behind. It's a really interesting time.


Tim Draper: Totally believe that I can envision it completely where we're no longer using seven billion dollars, because they are the old way. It's like carrying around a fistful of cash or coins. That's the old way. That's the fiat currency. That's the political currency.


Grace: Do you still believe that the coin will be like 250,000 dollars?


Tim Draper: Yes, 250,000 by 2022 or 2023. But it'll be in that time frame. Yes, because bitcoin is just a better currency, it’s better than the Renminbi, and it’s better than the dollar. It's certainly a lot better than the Argentine Peso or the Nigerian Naira. Those dropped 50% a year every year. So it's a lot better than those.


Tim Draper: But currencies tied to a political force are never going to be as good as a decentralized currency that's global and open. And all we really need is to make it easy to pay in bitcoin to pay you when you go to Starbucks, or pay for a house or pay for a car or pay for whatever. If you can pay easily in bitcoin, and it's gotta get easier and easier, then you just got a better currency, and so people will move to that currency. As they moved to that currency, the network becomes bigger and bigger and bigger and the bitcoin becomes more valuable.


Grace: Why is the time 2022?


Tim Draper: Because I think a lot of the engineers need a couple of years to do the development work to get to the point where you and I can just take our bitcoin and buy coffee with it.


Grace: But now the market is very down.


Tim Draper: I know that always happens, though. That’s the same thing happened with the internet. There was the dot com boom, and then there was the bust, and then there was amazon. And amazon just grew and grew and grew and all the commerce companies, they all became quite valuable. And much more valuable than even the top of the boom. So I suspect we'll see the same kind of thing. And It's you got the earlier adopters, and then you have this point where everybody is sort of saying, wait, I can't use it yet. And then as people, then there will be new use for it. And you'll start growing and growing.




Grace: As a venture capital, how far away the techonology you tend to invest, less than five years or 5-10 years?


Tim Draper: I like to invest for five years to ten years out where a product. I'll invest then the product will hit the market in one or two years, and then it will start to spread. And it might be fifteen years before it spreads all the way around the globe, but it's probably five years before the world realizes it's a winner.


Grace: Which sepecifc sector you would be most interested in investing?


Tim Draper: AI and bitcoin, I like both. It's interesting because bitcoin creates the blockchain, which allows for data to be well protected. And then data on the other side can be mined for really interesting information.


Tim Draper: We have a company which is called cloud medics. What they do is they can do a better job of evaluating your illness than a doctor can. They are the artificial intelligence took the doctor test and got 86, whereas the average doctor got  a 76 on this test, and it takes a 70 to pass. So our artificial intelligence is doing a better job of diagnosing patients than most doctors. And when combined with a doctor, the AI scored a 91. So what that means to me is in the future, we will have all of our data medical records up in the cloud.


Tim Draper: But in addition to medical records, it will be our blood test results in our genetic history. And then there will be other things like what are our fitness results or what we had for breakfast, or who we've met, where we've traveled, what we've been exposed to, all that data will be up there. So no doctor could possibly know all the things that you've been exposed to, but with enough devices, we will be able to send that data to the cloud, and they may find the headache for you may mean a very different thing from a headache from me. For me, it might be I was bitten by a tick; for you it might be you have a migrants from too much drinking the night before, whatever.


Tim Draper: So we might all have different  genetics. So this is going to be a really interesting time in health care. I think that's going to be one of the things.


Grace: How about the autonomous cars?


Tim Draper: We invested in Cruise automation. The entrepreneur took me for a test drive when he was just getting started. We went for this drive and everything was fine, then we came to an intersection, the car took a sharp left turn into traffic and it was right about then that I decided I would invest, eventhough that was a disaster, I thought all we need to do is just improve the software, because everything else seems to be working. So I made that investment that was Cruise automation, General Motors bought it for a billion dollars about a year later.


DFJ 投资的“犀牛”(估值100亿美元)和“独角兽”(估值10亿美元)



Grace: So how do you think that the the competition in the hightech area between China and the US?


Tim Draper: I don't look at it is between anybody. Competition is amongst businesses but has nothing to do with the borders. It's Huawei and Cisco. It's Baidu and Google. It's they are Chinese or they're big, huge businesses that are spread all the way around the world.


Tim Draper: I believe that those borders are open and we are one big globe, and it's not just China against the US or US and Mexico's issues or whatever. I think it's mostly we're all just people and we're trying to get along and we're trying to do business with each other, because we are all better off the more connections we make, the more deals that we make. If you and I decide to make a deal, we're both better off because you're happy with it, and I'm happy with it. We're both better off.


Tim Draper: I think that's the same thing with all businesses, and it's probably you know the same thing with governments. Government should be figuring out how to connect and be linked rather than trying to to compete in any way. I mean they should compete for citizens in a way, and that's a healthy way to compete. It's like how do I make you wanna live in the US, how do they make me want to live in China? How are they competing in that way? I think that is a terrific that's like a new science, the competitiveness of governments, which government is the most interesting for a business person to work from, which government is the best in education, which government has created the best pension system, the best health care. I think that's something to compete on.


Tim Draper: You want to see what kind of trade connection you can make not what kind of trade war you can create. That makes no sense  It’s a media construct. I think the countries, you know, ideally, the two presidents get together and they say, how do we work together? How do we make it so that citizens from both our countries don't feel like there's a border between us.


Tim Draper: Because the world's going that way. It is going more frictionless. It's going more transparent. So if you run a country, you get on board or you try to resist it, and by resisting it, you will lose. Because we've evolved, humanity has evolved, the borders no longer being that much, and they're going to mean less and less.


培养创业英雄 创业者应该有一点疯狂

Grace:I saw some super heroes on the wall of your Draper University. You like super heros?!


Tim Draper: Our whole theme here is super heroes. Superheroes are imaginative. They come up with new ways of thinking in new ways of operating. And we use it for draper university. We use it for hero city. We're always read my book is called out to be the startup hero where that's the kind of way we're always thinking, think forward. How do you improve the world?

Tim Draper:  超级英雄是我们的核心主题。超级英雄富有想象力,他们经常创造出新的想法、新的运作方式。超级英雄主题贯穿在我们的英雄学院和英雄城市,我的书也是以《如何成为超级创业英雄》来命名的。超级英雄总能前瞻性地思考,如何将世界变得更美好。

Grace: Entrepreneurship can be taught?


Tim Draper: Yeah, isn't that funny? That's what people were telling me. They said entrepreneurship can’t be taught. And so then I just went and did it. I taught 1000 entrepreneurs with Draper University. They've created 350 companies from 76 different countries.


Tim Draper: So I think, yeah, that entrepreneurship can be taught. We just did. We proved that it could be taught because people used to say entrepreneurship can't be taught. Whenever anybody says something can’t happen. I always think how would that happen? What if we decided we wanted to do that? How would that happen? And that's what we did. And it worked. The schools are huge success, a huge success.


Grace: How do you measure the success?


Tim Draper: Well, financially for one, we have three students left here after they learned about bitcoin. And they started quantum. Quantum now is the No. 20 token in the world today. That company got to be  seven billion dollar token. Now it's one billion, but it's still a big deal.


Tim Draper: Another woman created a fine fiber line that goes up the follow bin that can determine whether a woman has cancer. And that got FDA approval, and she sold the business for 275 million dollars.


Tim Draper: We are only six years old here, and we already have about ten to fifteen companies that have come out of here that are worth in the ten to a hundred million dollar range. And they're starting to employ a lot of people. So yeah, it's a huge success.


Tim Draper: This is a major, major success. The real estate around here is tripled in value because of this. Yeah, so amazing things have happened because of Draper University. So we're really pleased. We've got a lot of chinese students who come and they've done very well.


Grace: People say you are crazy, do you agree with that? Do you think crazyness is a must personality for entrepreneurs?


Tim Draper: Yeah, I’m not dangerous crazy. I am crazy in trying new things, and I look for entrepreneurs who are just a little bit out there. They are on the on the edge where  a lot of people will think what they're doing doesn't make any sense.


Tim Draper: So I will back Elon Musk and Elon says we're going to Mars, and most people think that's crazy. But few people think that's really great. And all the best engineers in the world want to go to work for Elon, because they're gonna figure out how to get people to Mars. And whether they get to whenever they get to Mars, there will be all sorts of interesting things that happen along the way. And Elon will have the best people in the world working for him.


Tim Draper: I mean it was crazy when I backed Baidu. I mean the idea of a Silicon valley venture capitalists investing any money at all in China back then was ridiculous. Why would anybody invest in china? The idea of the search engine made no sense. There weren't even that many computers in China at that time. So, yeah, a little crazy is ok. I want to back those people who are a little crazy because I know those are the ones will really transform the world.


在采访结束的时候,Tim送给我一本他的原版著作“How to be the Startup Hero”,并在上面写下这样的寄语:

To Grace,

Anything is possible. 

You are a great interviewer. 

Go make good things happen in China and around the world. Remenber:

Don't say "trade war", say "trade cooperation". 


Tim Draper



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