

   容言财经    2019-04-05 16:44:57



埃德蒙·菲尔普斯(Edmund Phelps),2006年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、美国哥伦比亚大学教授、就业与增长理论的著名代表人物,被誉为“现代宏观经济学的缔造者”和“影响经济学进程最重要的人物”之一。菲尔普斯教授最重要的贡献在于经济增长理论。他继罗伯特·索洛之后,对经济增长的动态最优化路径进行了分析,提出了著名的“经济增长黄金律”,从而正式确立了经济增长理论。1981年47岁时当选为美国科学院院士,2000年荣获美国经济协会杰出会员称号。








1. Grace GU:I still remember last year at the Columbia-Tsinghua Economy Conference when the news of trade war just broke out on the same day. One year has passed, what’s your observation of the impacts of the trade war on the economic and social development for both China and the US?


Phelps: We were all scared back then and with good reason. But I think there's a widespread hope the widespread expectation that the two countries will get together and reach an agreement about trade, an agreement that may not make either country very happy, but I guess there's a hope that trade war will subside. Maybe some particular issues will continue to fester, and there will be no agreement on those, but looks like there will be a substantial degree of agreement.


2. Grace GU: Many economists say the American economy is already on the late curve after ten years of recovering. What do you think?


Phelps: I feel fairly certain about that.

The US government took extraordinary and unsustainable steps to boost business investment, but it wasn't very successful. It didn't have a big effect. And now the trouble is with the investing took place after the initial investments took place in response to the increased profitability of investment, thanks to the tax cuts, after those investments have occurred, what's next?

There's the law of diminishing returns. One of the most, maybe economics has some laws that are not very good, but the law of diminishing returns is a great law. And it tells us, if you keep on adding to some input, like the capital stock, the return to that investment will begin to diminish and diminish and diminish. I think that's one of the problems with the State of the American economy. It took some extraordinary temporary effects to give the economy to a shot in the arm, but that's not sustainable.

And we have huge fiscal deficits. So eventually somebody is going to have the courage to eliminate this huge fiscal deficit. And then when that happens, there will be temporarily a drop of an investment activity. So this mirror the opposite of what Trump did, there'll be some anti-Trump who does just the opposite. And so we have a little recession. After we've moved away from the boom, and we've come to something normal then once a politician say, hey, we can't go on with these deficits forever, and then we're going to have a little recession after that.





Phelps: I'm very pessimistic. I'm very skeptical about the near term future of the American economy. I think productivity has stopped growing since 1968, 50 years ago.

This loss of productivity growth was only interrupted by the creation of the internet between 1995 and 2002 or so, over those years, productivity growth return to a much higher rate. But after 2002 or so, the rate of growth of productivity by some measures went right back to the very slow numbers that we had seen since 1968.

So this is a long time now, 51 years. And it's hard to believe that productivity growth is going to pick up significantly in the near future. That's my judgment. I imagine it's a judgment of a lot of economists, but it could be a misjudgment. It could be that. 

With artificial intelligence developing rapidly, productivity growth will recover, maybe not back to where it was in the late 1950s and early 1960s, but maybe it will recover to a significant degree. That's a possibility.

Artificial intelligence appears to be largely labor intensive. So it's it appears that it's going to drive instead of pulling up wage rates along with productivity, it will push wage rates down while productivity is rising. So in that case, the country will see it has productivity growth again. But a lot of people will be very unhappy to see their wages rates contracting.




也许,随着人工智能的快速发展,生产力的增长会恢复,也许不会回到20世纪50年代末和60年代初的水平, 但也许它会在很大程度上恢复,存在这样的可能性。


3. Grace GU: What do you think artificial intelligence will transform our lives? Will people lose their jobs?


Phelps: Well, no, they won't all lose their jobs, that’s first of all. And secondly, when someone loses a job, that doesn't mean that it's permanent. He or she may be able to get a job elsewhere.

So, in very simple terms, I usually think of it this way, that this artificial intelligence will cause an immediate loss of employment and continue to cause loss of over the future. But those people who lose their jobs this year will move to Texas, where employment conditions are better, and they will try to in some degree succeed in finding a different kind of job. If there's a lot of people pour into Texas, they will lower the wage rates that employers have to pay. And so in this way, the employment of these people will gradually recover. The trouble is that next year there is going to be a new round of job losses, they'll move to Texas too. So this gets to be a complicated process.

But I feel totally secure and saying that in the long run, we're not going to have a permanent body of unemployment decade, after decade after decade because as long as companies are open for business, they will be willing to hire people at reduced wage rates beyond the number that they would have been willing to hire anywhere even at the higher wage.




4. Grace GU: China’s economy is slowing down and some foreign reports say China will most likely see a soft landing in the 2nd half of this year. What’s your observation?


Phelps: I agree there's been a slowdown of the Chinese economy. I don't think it's widely agreed that slowing down is going to continue.

I’ve only been here a week during this visit, but I must say I do have a sense, I sense there is so much optimism. It has the potential to have some very good years ahead.

I asked myself what was special about the countries that had good rates of recovery from the global financial crisis? Was it that some countries had applied a lot of fiscal stimulus? Or was it that the monetary authorities lowered interest rates?

I found that the countries that recovered at the fastest rate were not countries that had fiscal stimulus in the form of tax cuts. And that was not obvious from the data countries that had easy money, monetary stimulus, did better than the others. So what was it? Well, in the back of my mind, I thought, I'll bet it's a kind of energy and vitality, what I called dynamism. So we did the statistical test with dynamism. Perfect! The more dynamic the country as measured by its previous performance, 10-15 years earlier, the more dynamic the economy is, it had by far the fastest recoveries.

Now I think China is like that. It’s a country in which the people are eager to move forward, eager to, maybe not take a big chance, but they're not rich yet, but take a small chance. And so it's partly on the basis of that study I did that I think that China will quickly recover from the recent slowdown.





China has achieved this remarkable opening, and it's great that many Chinese want to have more opening. I can understand that. 

I think it's time now to start talking about innovation and entrepreneurship. That's what China needs. It’s already been moving in that direction, but it needs to do a whole of all that, every day creating things, testing things, trying them out, developing them, marketing them. That should be on the minds of everybody or most of everybody every day. If China can do that, people will flourish.





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